Tuesday 26 July 2016

Five Essential Tips to Overcome Rage

Living in a developed country like Italy people often experience increased anger, anxiety and stress due to work pressure. Out of all rage is one of the most destructive emotions that ruins relationships, frightens the co-workers, and create bad feelings.

However, you might have tried hard to bring a control over your anger but there are chances you might have failed, as you were not aware of how to tackle it. Don’t worry! We are here to guide you about the best way to deal with this problem. The foremost thing that you need to do is to join yoga retreat that helps you in transforming your stress, frustration, and rage into peace and calmness.

Here are five types of yoga that will help you be calm and at ease:

1. Power Vinyasa

Powerful exercises like power yoga or vinyasa are beneficial while dealing with the feelings of anger. Practicing these exercise releases endorphins in the brain, which triggers positive feelings, and boost your mood. These all-dynamic exercises make you feel better and ditch all the negative thoughts coming into your brain. Therefore, for releasing this rage, you need to book a yoga retreat in Italy that helps put it at a halt.

2. Pranayama

Alternative nostril breathing is great for dealing with anger as it calms the nervous system and helps to build focus. With the rhythm of deep inhalation and exhalation, you can easily put aside all the negative thoughts that make you feel angry. Breathing exercises help in lowering down your heart rate and helps build focus and awareness of feelings.

3. Laughing Yoga

Laughter is a great medicine. According to laughing yoga practitioners, if you do yoga exercises with laughing you will get best results, as it would help to reduce stress and diffuse all the anger and frustration. Even though you do not have a funny thing to make you laugh, laughing and deep breathing is a perfect way to feel happy.

4. Restorative Yoga

A restorative yoga can make you feel more powerful and positive. By practicing restorative yoga, you can get relief from all your tensions and stress. Through this, your nervous system enters a relaxed state and thereby making the blood pressure rate and heart rate decreased and making you aware of the present situation. Feeling of anger disappears, as you become acquitted with the grip of mind and   body.

5. Compassion

Having compassion for yourself or for others during the most problematic conditions reminds that you are not alone. This helps to get rid of rage during any problems and provides courage and patience to deal with every trouble easily. The more you turn yourself towards others and treat
everyone calmly and kindly, the more you realize the false sense of isolation and move towards happiness.

Believe in the true power of yoga and without much thinking, join yoga retreat in Italy, as it would help in diffusing your rage when they are about to arise.  


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